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[부산대 AI 콜로퀴엄 2025] 1/17(금), Yong Cheng 교수(St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA) Decoding Cis-Regulatory Elemetns in the Human Genome: Insights into Blood Development, Disorders, and Gene Therapy
부산대 AI 콜로퀴엄 2025 첫번째 강연을 안내드립니다.
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------- 이하 강연 정보 -------
일시: 2025. 1. 17.(금) 오후 2:00-3:00
장소: 부산대학교 문창회관 105호 및 온라인(Zoom)
주제: Decoding Cis-Regulatory Elemetns in the Human Genome: Insights into Blood Development, Disorders, and Gene Therapy
연사: Yong Cheng 교수 / St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
강연 요약:
- Cis-regulatory elements (CREs) are critical for transforming static genomic DNA sequences into dynamic, context-specific gene expression patterns across different cell types, tissues, and developmental stages. Variations in CREs can drive human diseases and affect health-related traits. Using hematopoiesis as a model system, we leverage computational modeling, multidimensional genomic data integration, and high-throughput genetic perturbation to decode the role of CREs in normal blood development and related disorders. By combining bioinformatics and engineering-driven approaches with genome editing and gene therapy, we aim to translate these insights into innovative treatments for genetic disorders.
연사 소개:
? Associate Professor, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (07/2022 ? Present)
? Assistant Professor, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (07/2016 ? 06/2022)
? Post-doctoral scholar, Stanford University (2010 ? 2016)
? Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Pennsylvania State University (2009)
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